Partner receive incorrect record length after we setting format 'Fixed 128'

Hi Guys,
I meet following problem in OFTP 1.0 Build 37 to sent out files to partner.
Set Record format(SFIDFMT) to 'F' and Length(SFIDLRECL) to '128' in partner configuration, But trading partner can't handle the file due to incorrect record length and folowing is the log from partner:

2023-02-13 20:15:05,136 - DEBUG [OFTPTLS_2-149603][P/EP: Ford/OFTP2_EDI] (AbstractTransmissionBuffer) - Sent 34 bytes to the oftp transport client. Command string: ESID{ESIDCMD=F, ESIDREAS=99, ESIDREASL=023, ESIDREAST=Incorrect record length, ESIDCR=_}
2023-02-13 20:15:05,136 - ERROR [OFTPTLS_2-149603][P/EP: Ford/OFTP2_EDI] (AbstractState) - signalTransferError. Error=UNSPECIFIED[Incorrect record length]

Is there any guy give me some advice?



I have updated to latest version (oftp2_1.1b47),but start failed, here is the log and attached for your reference.
[12:27:43 PM] Unable to start partner manager: [RuntimeException]: The system is unable to load the keystore "/home/si52/oftp2/Certificate/2022/" using the keystore and key password "test".
[12:27:43 PM] The following problem occured: [IOException]: PKCS12 key store mac invalid - wrong password or corrupted file.
[12:30:06 PM] SSL could not be initialized

File attachments

I have AS2 1.1 build43, in the Preferences - Notification when I select connection security as SSL/TLS the notifications are not received but if the connection security is blnak than the same works, how to get the same working with SSL/TLS