instead of the MDN state the initial transaction ID was logged

After receiving a transaction my AS2 system sends the MDN and writes to the message log something like this:

Outbound MDN created for AS2 message "mendelson_opensource_AS2-1565824101531-12@Host2_Host1", state set to [mendelson_opensource_AS2-1565823918260-12@Host1_Host2]

So instead of the MDN state the initial transaction ID was logged.
(This happens no matter if the initial transaction was succesfully processed or not.)

From "":

{"mdn.created", "Outbound MDN created for AS2 message \"{0}\", state set to [{1}]." }

From "":

if (dispositionState.indexOf("error") >= 0) {
if (this.logger != null) {
this.logger.log(Level.SEVERE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.created",
new Object[]{
mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId(), dispositionState
}), mdnInfo);
} else {
if (this.logger != null) {
this.logger.log(Level.FINE, this.rb.getResourceString("mdn.created",
new Object[]{
mdnInfo.getMessageId(), mdnInfo.getRelatedMessageId(), dispositionState
}), mdnInfo);



Profile picture for user service


thank you for the feedback. This has been already fixed in the beginning of 2019 for the commercial version and will be available in the next community release.
