
Post related to the community version of mendelson OFTP2. For commercial requests please contact the mendelson support (service@mendelson.de)

GUI cannot connect to OFTP2 server on new machine


For the life of me I cannot find where/what is preventing the GUI from connecting to the server (localhost, port 1236) .
I'm sitting on the server in an X11 environment, I can tcpdump and watch them trying, I can connect to localhost 1236 using telnet (hence no firewall, correct?).

It must be some Java runtime "security" check, that prevents the connection on ORACLE Linux 8.10, anybody fixed this ? How ?

On ORACLE Linux 7.9 it work flawlessly. (OFTP2 1.0 build 41, openJDK 11.0.25)

How can I increase heapsize for OFTP2.exe on Windows


Hello all,

the mendelson oftp2.exe always complaints that I should alter the configuration to add minimum heapsize of 4096M.

Unfortunately I couldn't figure out, how to do that.
I set the Windows environment veriable JAVA_OPTS to -Xms4096m -Xmx16384m

But it had no influence on the oftp2.exe

Any ideas from anyone would be appreciated.


invalid user


Invalid User: xxxxxxxxxxxxMY USER'

come risolvere?
il mio USER is non registrated su ODETTE

Thank you

Error send files


[11:54:03 AM] [Preprocessing] Will move file "C:\mendelson\opensource\oftp2\temp\20230801\upload_oftp2975990973430179379.bin" to "X:\000_OFTP2\ADLER\outbox\pending\NOT-CATEGORIZED202308011154020009"

[11:54:03 AM] [Preprocessing] The file move from "C:\mendelson\opensource\oftp2\temp\20230801\upload_oftp2975990973430179379.bin" to "X:\000_OFTP2\ADLER\outbox\pending\NOT-CATEGORIZED202308011154020009" failed: "[NoSuchFileException] C:\mendelson\opensource\oftp2\temp\20230801\upload_oftp2975990973430179379.bin -> X:\000_OFTP2\ADLER\outbox\pending\NOT-CATEGORIZED202308011154020009"

Where do I find "HELP"?


1-Where do I find "HELP" ....beyond"?" (help step-step: 1°firt, 2°second)
2-The software works with the 2.0 protocol authentication?
3- password to send to this partner = OFTP authentication ?
4- use same certs for TLS session and file security = outbound connection security
5-how to fix error (as image)

thank you

Problem with import of certificate



I have the problem that a newly imported certificate is displayed as "Untrusted" in OFTP2 and as a result, when I try to use it, the message "The local station must be assigned a private key"!
I'm pretty sure I just kind of missed a step... Add to Keystore... or something. But I'm running out of ideas right now. Please help me...

Partner receive incorrect record length after we setting format 'Fixed 128'


Hi Guys,
I meet following problem in OFTP 1.0 Build 37 to sent out files to partner.
Set Record format(SFIDFMT) to 'F' and Length(SFIDLRECL) to '128' in partner configuration, But trading partner can't handle the file due to incorrect record length and folowing is the log from partner: