mendelson AS2 2021 b512 released

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mendelson AS2

HA improvements, high load improvements

  • Set higher timeout for the access of the partner management - this allows to reach the partner settings even if the system is under high load
  • Improved the performance of the send order sender (via command line, from remote machines)
  • Database migration dialog: The database files have been loaded from the client side but needed to be loaded from the server side
  • The log refresh for HA did just count the number of transactions but not their state - means sometimes nodes in the cluster did not refresh the transaction log if just a single transaction state changed
  • Added synchronization between the file streams and the underlaying file system provider. If multiple nodes access the same files it is required they are physical written to the file system
  • Timing problem in the HA overview dialog: Some nodes were shown as offline even if they are already in the cluster
  • Update MINA to 2.1.4 (async io framework for client-server architecture)