Added new key encryption algorithms
- Because of the requirements of the German government (Bundesnetzagentur) the following encryption algorithms with the included key encryption algorithm RSAES-OAEP have been added: AES-128 GCM RSAES-OAEP, AES-192 GCM RSAES-OAEP, AES-256 GCM RSAES-OAEP. As defined in the document "Regelungen zum Übertragungsweg" (…) the paragraph 5.3 states that these algorithms are mandatory for the German energy sector from 1.10.2024. Please update your installation if this is a requirement for your data transmission.
- Dependencies: Updates the integrated HTTP server to jetty 10.0.23
- The widget to overwrite the localstation security settings per partner is now always visible if this option is used by a partner - even if it is disabled in the client settings.
- The log entries regarding encrytion, decryption, signing and signature verification have been reworked to display the partner name/local station name of the key/certificate that has been used.