mendelson AS4 2023 b315 released

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mendelson AS4

DB based certificate/key management

  • The formerly file based key/certificate management has been moved to the database. This results in less file IO and more stable operations in cluster mode. R/O and access problems to keystore files are no longer an issue during operations.
  • Added the possibility to export a full keystore file from the certificate manager
  • Added the possibility to import a full keystore file to the system at server start
  • Removed several filesystem based configuration checks regarding keystore files
  • Removed several keystore file related server settings and configuration interfaces
  • Importing a private key into the certificate manager did not test for an existing alias - if the alias did already exist the import was just skipped without any error message
  • If you use Postgres and the database was not reachable there was just a NullPointer Exception - now there should be a proper error message
  • Dependencies: Updated jetty to 10.0.18 (embedded web server)