mendelson opensource AS2 b63 released
Please download your copy at
What is new
*In the web interface the disposition text of a MDN is now displayed
*In the client, the maximum field length has now been set to the actual possible value. So if a value can be only 5 characters long, it is not possible to enter more than that
*If there were changes in the settings, this is now displayed in the user interface
*In the certificate manager it is now possible to view the certificate usage references. So you can see where and if the certificates are still used in the product before deleting them
*In the certificate manager unused certificates for encryption/signature are grayed out
*The UINotification in the user interface has been revised
*The number of incoming connections can now be limited
*Light mode and dark mode of the client can now be changed directly in the settings
*The system no longer needs to be restarted when the TLS key is changed - once per minute the system checks for a change and initializes the HTTPS interface accordingly new
*Default settings for the underlying HTTP server don't have to be changed directly in jetty.xml anymore - instead there is now a simple configuration file (jetty10/jetty.config) where settings can be set as variables. this file is now also managed directly by the client settings of each client, so HTTP port, HTTPS port etc are directly accessible via the settings of the mendelson AS2
*The color coding of the logs has been revised. The color codes are now VT-100/ANSI compatible - this allows colored log output on ANSI compatible shells in the future.
*In the client there is now a context sensitive help, via balloon tooltips. The mouse can be moved directly to the respective question mark of the text fields, checkboxes etc., then corresponding long texts appear as a hint to the meanings.
*The connection test dialog has been reworked and now also shows partner information
*There is a new TLS option - you can trust any server certificate if the root certificate is trusted. This allows for example to use fast changing TLS certificates from Let's encrypt, which change every 60 days.
*There is a new TLS option: Strict host checking. This checks exactly whether the common name of the remote certificate also corresponds to the desired remote host. This is now available for authenticated certificates
*Notification can be sent to multiple recipients - what to do is written directly in the context sensitive help
*In the partner management there is now the possibility to make changes to all partners at the same time
*In the detail dialog of the transactions, details about the line security of connection are now also displayed
*In the test mail dispatch there is now a detailed log regarding the communication with the mail server
*More algorithms have been added to the key generation and the EC display has been improved. It is now also possible to select the key directly on an ECC named curve.
*It is now possible to directly copy entries of the two certificate managers to each other. It is no longer necessary to take the detour of exporting an entry and importing it into the second administration.
Resolved problems
*The directory monitoring was reworked - too many polls slowed down the system a lot
*When importing a certificate from an external keystore in JKS format into the TLS keystore (JKS) the error "non recoverable key" occurred
*In the certificate export dialog the "refresh" button was missing after the selection button
*The HTTP header file in the transaction details view was not scrollable
*Under high load, outgoing messages remained on hold
*The client also refreshed all payloads when refreshing transactions - a cache was set up so that the payload is fetched from the server only for new transactions
*Due to the issue CVE-2022-21449 the security provider for TLS is now displayed - so in case of a TLS security provider change you can see if this was successful
*The detail view of the transactions shows a wrong date in the log
*There was a memory leak in the security provider - but this mainly only affected the REST API.
*There were problems reading notification templates that are not UTF-8 encoded
*In the user interface the date filter did not select the correct day
Updated software packages
*Update to Bouncycastle v1.72 (Crypto API)
*Update to Lucene 9.1.0 (indexing of system events)
*Update to MINA 2.2.1 (client-server interface)
*Update to flatlaf 3.0 (dark mode)
*Update to Batik 1.16 (SVG)
*Update to HSQLDB 2.71