mendelson OFTP2 2022 b339 released

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mendelson OFTP2

REST API modifications

  • The log filter of the REST API ignored the parameter "startdate"
  • The REST API did not start if there were already requests during the mendelson OFTP2 server startup in the initialization process of the REST API
  • There was a memory leak in how we used the security provider - this was mainly only a problem for the REST API with HMAC256 security
  • Modified the schema for the XML API (add_certificate)
  • Outbound post processing events for the partners could not be restarted. If you tried this in the client simply nothing happened.
  • Reworked some icons in the client
  • 3rd party libs: Updated jackson (JSON processing) to 2.13.4, Batik (SVG processing) to 1.15