mendelson AS4 2022 b273 released

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mendelson AS4

Maintenance release

  • Modified the internal database access structure for better performance if you are using external databases (e.g. PostgreSQL)
  • Added new UI help tooltips for key generation and preferences
  • Allow the notification to be sent to multiple mail receiver
  • Added options to change settings in the client which are related to the underlaying HTTP server. These are the HTTP port, the HTTPS port, the number of max inbound connection. It is no longer necessary to modify the HTTP servers basic settings in config files.
  • Modified the settings structure and added a new section "connectivity"
  • Added a section to the postgreSQL help section that contains information on howto prepare the postgreSQL to use another user but the default user "postgres"
  • CVE-2022-21449 should be no longer problem because it has been fixed in the jre
  • Modified the connection test display: The partner icons and roles are displayed now