Yearly release of the mendelson OFTP2 server
- Log4j is no longer part of the product nor referenced in the included libs
What is new
- Adding the possibility in the server settings to delete old system events and transaction logs during system maintenance
- Enabling the creation of a High Availability Cluster (HA) with multiple mendelson OFTP2 instances (optional plugin)
- Added GUI notification when a client request could not be processed within 30s on the server (connection deadlock detection)
- Enhanced the filter in the GUI to select only messages routed from this station - this is mainly useful if you use the installation as a gateway
- Added placeholders for text fields
- Password fields can now be switched between unmasked and masked view
- Added possibility to reset keystore passwords to default value in server startup executable file
- New icons for encryption and signature with an indication if the algorithms used are recommended/strong
- Added the possibility to delete transactions per minute or per hour, this can be set in the settings
- Added the optional plugin REST API to integrate the mendelson OFTP2 into your web projects. All this can be secured with HMAC256 - examples are included.
Resolved problems
- Fixed the problem that system languages other than "en" and "de" had to use the parameter -lang for the programme start.
- Fixed a problem when deleting transactions (manually and automatically), this function was very slow
- Fixed a problem when starting the application under macOS Big Sur 11.2.3, the error message was "Native library not found in resource path".
- Fixed a DB problem when managing outgoing connections.
- The "Resend as new transaction" function took the preprocessed data of a transaction to resend and reprocessed it before it was sent. This means that the wrong data was sent. If custom postprocessing was in the transmission, some variables were also missing.
Updated software packages
- Complete removal of Log4j from the product and all 3rd party products - so the product is no longer affected by previous and upcoming Log4j vulnerabilities.
- The DB connection pool commons pool and commons dbcp have been replaced by HikariCP
- Update to Bouncycastle v1.69 (Crypto API)
- Update to Lucene 8.11.0 (indexing of system events)
- Update to MINA 2.1.5 (Client-Server Interface)
- Update to flatlaf 1.5 (dark mode)
- Addition of Jackson for JSON processing