mendelson AS2 2024 b605 released

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mendelson AS2

Automatic TLS certificate DL

  • Introduced a new functionality which has to be enabled manually in the module settings: You could now monitor your partners
    TLS certificates and they will be downloaded and installed automatically if your partner changes them. This is the
    same functionality as performing a manual connection test and install the missing TLS certificates.
  • Postgres DB does not automatically create an index for secondary keys - they have been added now with this update to relevant database tables. The performance change depends on the number of partners, your system and the infrastructure. Because most REST API operations depend on partner access this will also speed up your REST access time
    (this does apply for the professional and enterprise HA versions only as it addresses the plugins REST API and POSTGRES DB).
  • Dependencies: Updated BC to v1.78.1 (crypto API)
  • Dependencies: Updated Hikari to v5.1.0 (DB connection pooling)
  • Dependencies: Updated flatlaf to v3.5 (client dark mode, client hicontrast mode)