mendelson OFTP2 2024 b369 released

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mendelson OFTP2

REST API: certificates

  • It is now possible to access the system certificates using the REST API. This contains delete, add and list operations via HTTP GET, HTTP POST and HTTP DELETE.
  • Updated the embedded HTTP server for the REST API to jetty 10.0.20
  • Every serialized partner (XML, JSON for REST) contained all outbound polls of the system - now every partner just contains it's own polls
  • In JSON serialization the outbounddirpolls where not always an array - this has been fixed
  • There were problems generating a pkcs#10 CSR using the certificate manager if the key was an EC key
  • Send orders via the REST API that failed because of a timeout reported a nullpoint exception - this has been changed to a timeout hint now
  • Every send order of the system (directory poll, command line, manual send, REST API) creates an entry in the transmission log now that contains the schedule time and the unique transmission id