mendelson AS4 2024 b323 released

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mendelson AS4


  • Added a new plugin REST API for the professional edition. Added the functionality to get log information, system information, certificate information and to delete and add certificates to the system. More to come in the next builds.
  • The content ID for payloads was not unique if you used the JAVA API to generate messages. This did not happen if you run the system as server process - just if you use the mendelson AS4 as java lib.
  • Test messages BDEW PATH CHANGE REQUEST, BDEW PATH CHANGE CONFIRM: The log contains information now that are parseable and contain sender and receiver identifications. This allows to find out which partner have send/exchanged these messages if you are using the BDEW AS4 profile.
  • Updated the embedded HTTP server to Jetty 10.0.20