Please download the new version at https://mendelson-e-c.com/opensource
What is new
*If there were changes in the settings, all connected clients are now informed via push message and show a notification
*The UINotification in the client was revised
*The connection test dialog has been revised and now also shows partner information
*Connection information about the session has been added to the log
*When sending test mail there is now a detailed log regarding the communication with the mail server
*In key generation, more algorithms have been added and EC display has been improved. It is now possible to select the key directly on an ECC named curve.
*It is now possible to copy entries of the two certificate management directly to each other. It is no longer necessary to export an entry and import it into the second management.
*In the certificate manager it is now possible to display the references to the certificate usage. So you can see where and if the certificates are still used in the product before deleting them.
*In the certificate manager unused certificates for encryption/signature are grayed out
*In the details dialog of the transfer, the line security of the connection is now displayed
*The color scheme of the logs has been revised. The color codes are now VT-100/ANSI compatible - this will allow colored log output on ANSI compatible shells in the future
*Light mode and dark mode of the client can now be changed directly in the settings
*Context sensitive help is now available in the client, via balloon tooltips. The mouse can be moved directly to the respective question mark of the text fields, checkboxes, etc., then the corresponding long texts appear as a hint to the meanings.
*The configuration check now checks whether an internal underlying keystore file is write-protected.
Solved problems
*When importing a certificate from an external keystore in JKS format into theTLS keystore (JKS), a "non recoverable key" error occurred.
*There were problems when using ${transactionid} as a parameter in post-processing. Since there is a pipe operator in this string, make shells could not perform the corresponding post-processing. There are now 3 more parameters ${virtualfiledate}, ${virtualfiletime} and ${virtualfilename} - these are the single values that make up ${transactionid}.
*Multiple connections were opened under unfavorable circumstances, when the partner can only be reached via gateway
*During post-processing, outgoing events could not be repeated manually
*There was a memory leak in the Security Provider
Updated/new software packages
Update to Bouncycastle v1.72 (Crypto API)
Update to Lucene 9.1.0 (indexing of system events)
Update to MINA 2.2.1 (client-server interface)
Update to flatlaf 3.0 (dark mode)
Update to Batik 1.16 (SVG)
Update to HSQLDB 2.71